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Accurate listing information. Easily see if a home is Active or Under Contract!

Homes that are actually for sale! We refresh listing data constantly.

Blazing fast home search. No ads to slow you down!

Live chat for real estate questions. Click the chat icon (bottom corner of the screen)

When you work with a Blackshear Realty Agent, you've got an honest, hard working, and professional Realtor on your side. We are dedicated to providing the best user experience for our clients searching for real estate.

Who pays the Realtor?

In Texas, we can represent you as your buyer's agent at no cost to you!

Buying a home with Blackshear Realty is the best choice!

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Popular Houston Area Cities:

Barbers Hill | Baytown | Beach City

Chambers County | Clear Lake | Conroe

Cove | Dayton | Deer Park

La Porte | League City | Mont Belvieu

Spring | The Woodlands

Buying a Home with Blackshear Realty

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Why Work With Blackshear Realty?

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Home Warranty Information

It's easy to buy a home with us!Guarantee Mortgage Dean Kennemer

1. Start with a pre-approval letter.

Call Dean Kennemer with Guarantee Mortgage

Dean Kennemer | Office: 281-385-5511

Speed up the process with a FAST ONLINE APPLICATION: CLICK HERE

2. Browse available homes on the fastest MLS search in Houston.

You can search through the homes on our website to find available homes.

3. Tour homes with a Blackshear Realty agent.

We'll schedule your appointments and meet you at the first house on the list!

4. Make an offer.

Get the winning contract on the home you love! We have experience writing offers that get accepted.

5. Close on your home.

We'll make sure the entire transaction is stress free and you'll have the keys to your new home fast!

Buying with Blackshear Realty is a smart choice!

From full local MLS access to custom saved searches and new listing notifications, signing up for an account with the #1 rated Mont Belvieu real estate company can help you in so many ways. Here are a few:

What does it take to buy a new home? Instant notifications when new listings hit the market, and we’ve got it! When you sign up for listing notifications, we set up a custom tailored automatic email for you that delivers brand new listings the minute they arrive on the market. We can set up your appointment to view the homes that day, so you’ll stop missing out on those perfect homes! You will be the FIRST TO KNOW about our coming soon listings as well. With our listing agent network, we have inside knowledge about newly listed homes and coming soon properties.

Here’s what we do better than Zillow, Trulia, etc. –  We Deliver Accurate Home Status Information

Those other sites are designed to get the maximum amount of views for the advertising agents. This means that they do whatever it takes to get you to LOOK. 

Our site is designed to give our users the most accurate and up to date home information so you don’t waste your time trying to find out if a home is for sale or not. Because our listings are directly pulled in every few minutes from the local Houston Association of Realtors live MLS feed, you know what you see is what is available. Those status updates on the search page are provided to help you find available homes fast. Accuracy is important to us, and our clients feel the same way.

Why waste time looking on a home search website with inaccurate information?

Let’s talk about SPEED. Blazing fast, no lag, 200 mph instant home search speed. We’ve got that too. Tired of waiting around for the pictures and content to load on those sites bogged down by advertisements? Look no further, we’ve got you covered with an easy to use, simple home search engine. Get information you want when you want it.

Did someone say high quality photos? We’ve got them. Huge pictures so you can see every detail…that’s what we deliver. Try the “View Gallery” button. You’ll see BIG clear photos of that home you love.

Typical responses we hear from our clients about working with Blackshear Realty and why they decided to work with us… “Wow, you guys actually answer the phone!” “The last Realtor we tried to work with never called us back.” “You guys are on the ball!” “Thanks for setting up this appointment so quick.” “Thank you for showing us after hours. It’s the only time we can get off of work.”

We work for you, and customer service is what we do well.

By working with the top local Realtors in Mont Belvieu, Tx. you can save thousands of dollars on your new home, not to mention the added benefit of a stress free transaction. Put our pros to work on your behalf. We know how to negotiate to save you money.

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